I was going to say ‘fun facts’, however, there are aspects of myself and my experiences that aren’t fun but which made me who I am.
I want to share those too.
I want to be vulnerable with the hope it inspires others to be vulnerable.
I want to share the message that we are made of dark, light and shade, and all are valuable in their own ways.
In no particular order:
- I moved to Australia from England in 2011 when I was 30 years old and have only been back once…for a week.
- I took three degrees so I could stay in Australia – a Psychology Undergraduate, a Masters in Human Rights, and a Masters in International Human Rights Law and Policy. These helped me discover my passion of working with vulnerable children and teenagers.
- I tried University twice when I was younger but due to struggles with depression, I couldn’t complete my degrees, so I became a nanny.
- I spent 3 months volunteering as a teacher in Africa when I was 18. It changed my life.
- I have 8 tattoos…one covers most of my back.
- I am a Parenting Coach but don’t have any children.
- My mum passed away from cancer when I was 25. She was an amazing human.
- I don’t like pizza.
- I love and collect art in all its forms.
- I’m an introvert and highly sensitive person.
These are my dogs, Ghost and Indie

Did anything stand out or surprise you?
Share some facts about yourself in the comments!