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Mon - FRI: 8AM - 6PM

+61 452 485 710


Laura founded Teen Revolution after almost a decade of working with young people who had experienced trauma. A large number were ineligible for support services as they lacked a mental health diagnosis, or their behaviour wasn’t deemed ‘challenging’ enough. Many of those who could engage with services had their immediate needs met while their long term outcomes remained poor.

Combining her work experience, Psychological degree and life experience, Laura designed a unique approach to supporting risk-taking and vulnerable young people in the school environment by engaging not only the young person, but also their teachers and parents. Teen Revolution works with all students deemed in need of extra support by their schools and designs bespoke packages in close collaboration with each school to ensure they meet the specific needs of their student(s).

‘...for around one in four adolescents, risk-taking and mental health issues threaten healthy biopsychosocial development.’

Risk-taking behaviour in adolescents, Sanci, Webb & Hocking
Australian Journal of General Practice, 2018

With a statistic like this, can you afford not to act now?

Our unique customised and collaborative approach clearly stands out from other services.

Teen Revolution provides a simple and impactful way to support teenagers struggling to navigate adolescence and help them on the path to positive, long term outcomes fast.

Imagine if your students knew how to:

Understand who they are as individuals and find their purpose in the world.
Not allow the opinions of others to impact their self-esteem and self-worth, no matter who expresses them.
Act in alignment with their values despite pressure from peers to do otherwise.
Identify their feelings and needs, and express them confidently, with the knowledge they are just as important as anyone else’s.
Communicate assertively whoever their audience is and whatever the situation.
How to establish their own personal boundaries, and to recognise and respect the boundaries of others.
Channel the urge for risk-taking behaviour in positive and constructive ways.
Respect the views of others and engage in healthy debate without arguing.
Take well meaning feedback as constructive and not as a personal attack.
Work collaboratively with others, even those they dont like.
Understand adolescence as an exciting time full opportunity, and as a period for growth and exploration unlike any other in their lifetime.

Teen Revolution can make this a reality and help change the course of your student’s lives.

We offer three support packages:

The ‘Group Program’ for three or more teenagers perceived at being at-risk.

The ‘Student Intensive’ for a single student identified as being vulnerable or at-risk.

The ‘Teacher Focus’ for teachers who work with at-risk and vulnerable students.


Our unique customised and collaborative approach clearly stands out from other services. Teen Revolution provides a simple and impactful way to support teenagers struggling to navigate adolescence and help them on the path to positive, long term outcomes fast.

All packages are aligned with NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum and the NSW Wellbeing Framework.


Perfect for schools who want to provide teachers with the specialised knowledge and skills to support teens engaging in problematic risk-taking behaviour under their care.

Teen Revolution works directly with teachers to assist them in understanding and managing the behaviours of students at their school who have raised concern. This not only improves the welfare of these students, but also reduces stress for the teachers, improves wellbeing of their peers and results in a more enjoyable and productive teaching environment.

Click HERE to Discover More


Our premium package is ideal for schools where a number of teens engaging in problematic risk-taking behaviour have been identified. The program is designed for groups (three or more) of students who are of concern to the school.

Teen Revolution works closely with the young people as a group within the school environment providing them the opportunity to have honest, open discussions about what is going on for them, identify their needs, ask for what they want, take responsibility for their lives and take inspired action to improve it.

Teen Revolution also works with the students immediate support network. By working collaboratively with the young people, their teachers and parents, Teen Revolution is able to facilitate the best, long term outcomes possible for the teens in their program.

Click HERE to Discover More


This package is perfect for and specifically designed for a single teenager engaging in problematic risk-taking behaviour who needs critical, individualised support. It is ideal for teens who are socially isolated either by choice or circumstance (for example bullying) and would benefit better from personalised attention than a group setting. This option is also suited to those whose behaviour is challenging to manage in groups.

Teen Revolution works intensively with the young person through 1-1 mentoring, focusing on the exact needs of the young person so they build confidence, increase self-worth, learn to communicate confidently and ask for what they want, and get excited about their future.

Teen Revolution simultaneously works in close collaboration with the student’s teachers and parents to provide them with the crucial knowledge and skills necessary to provide the teen with the support they need.

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Click on the program to discover more

The investment, duration and intensity of the program is established during an initial
consultation between the school and Teen Revolution as these depend on a number of
factors such as the needs of the students; the level of expected engagement from students,
teachers and parents; scheduling; the availability of funds and other school resources.
Our support programs start from $550.

Teen Revolution also offer Consulting Services and Guest Expert Appearences. 

Keen to see how Teen Revolution could support teens engaging in problematic risk-taking behaviour teens in your school?

Book a free 15 min call to discuss your needs on the link below

Contact us now and make an appointment today